Year: <span>2016</span>

Finding in Wikimedia Commons

I am always looking for new images or videos for my courses. This kind of resources can be used to stimulate a conversation (in Italian) among students, to practise writing or to review grammatical rules.

I found this image on Wikimedia commons:,_Lampedusa#/media/File:Luoghi_Comuni,_Lampedusa_(1-2).jpg

I can use this image (and more on the set) to create a set of questions in Italian and have students replying using the correct Tense, words and info.

Finding in Wikimedia Commons

I’m going to be creating two online program information sessions to replace the traditional face-to-face format that we have been offering. This gives our session leaders and prospective students far more flexibility and will, hopefully, increase participation rates. The two program areas are Craft Beer and Brewing Essentials and First Responders Trauma Prevention …

SFU Cert in Visual Analytics

Check out our landing page for basic information about this new program: The program is expected to be approved by Senate on May 5, 2016. Far more detail about the program will be available then. Larry White

Educational Media

Build in Progress lets you share what you build as you build it. This method of archiving learning progress is very interesting for novel and experienced learners. It shares the project history, enhances validity, and speaks to the processes within the development of complex projects.

Educational Media

Build in Progress lets you share what you build as you build it. This method of archiving learning progress is very interesting for novel and experienced learners. It shares the project history, enhances validity, and speaks to the processes within the development of complex projects.