Transmedia Storytelling and The Quartz Parrot

Transmedia Storytelling and The Quartz Parrot

What is Transmedia Storytelling?

Transmedia storytelling is a narrative that is told across various mediums, such as print, graphics and video. In The Quartz Parrot, the aim is to also involve the participants in the storytelling, as you learn skills and create pieces that in turn become part of the story.  In the end, the goal is to learn basic skills in producing media for your courses, while taking part in an engaging story where you (hopefully) solve the mystery of the missing artifact.


Each EMP session will involve creating pieces to help solve the transmedia mystery of The Quartz Parrot.

Session 1: Kickoff – Introduction to transmedia and The Quartz Parrot

Session 2: OER and Copyright – finding and modifying a Creative Commons picture of the Quartz Parrot

Session 3: Going Visual – creating drawings of suspects and a storyboard of the events of the crime

Session 4: Graphic – using a map of area where the Parrot was stolen and organizing pictures and text of the evidence, suspects and experts

Session 5: Audio and Podcasting – interviewing three expert witnesses in a scripted podcast to be recorded, edited and posted online

Session 6: Smartphone Video Production – interviewing the three suspects on video to be recorded, edited and posted online

Session 7: Reflections and Future Projects – the previous podcasts and videos will be watched together and participants will be able to discuss and solve the crime of The Quartz Parrot while reflecting on what they have learned and where they want to take their new skills.