Shivanand Balram

Shivanand Balram

shivShiv Balram from the Geography dept. wanted to create some practical case study resources for his students that would provide alot of information, in an easily digestible, and mobile form.  For his EMP project he chose to work on some custom infographics that could be shared with his students, and dove right into the Ed Media WordPress site with more posts than any participant to date. This work required him to get up to speed on Adobe Illustrator, and was provided with feedback along the way from the Ed Media team.

Two graphics were created:

Infographic on Community Growth in the Tri-Cities, British Columbia

This asset provides a recent snapshot of the population and land-use changes that characterize the Tri-Cities region, Metro Vancouver, British Columbia. Population density is calculated in two ways – first, using the total land surface area; and second, using only the residential land-use area. These two representations of density provide contrasting perceptions. – Shivanand Balram


Infographic on Global Water Use and Water Wars

Screen shot 2014-01-27 at 2.19.37 PM

This asset is a summary of the water use situation for the planet. It uses a systems approach to map the key stages of water availability, water usage and water consequences. Of particular importance is the impact of water scarcity and inaccessibility, and the use of technologies to manage water in order to mitigate against escalating conflicts. – Shivanand Balram