A Good Data Visualization site

A Good Data Visualization site


It’s not easy to find quality information on data visualization online. Try googling “data visualization”, and you get a lot of sites that are trying to sell you on their design services. But I did recently come across a great site:  Data Visualization, Design and Information Munging.

It’s run by Martin Krzywinski, a Vancouver-based scientist, and centres on how to connect people to scientific work.  The site isn’t the easiest to navigate so here are some links to presentations on the site:

-How to make your data appealing (includes tips on using colour, resolution, scale, and also how to make your graphics get to the point!): http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/talks/bcca-workshop-vis.pdf

-Design principles and quantitative information:  http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/talks/datavisualization/datavisualization.pdf

-More design info, but it also includes some examples of how to make powerpoint presentation slides more interesting http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/science.online/science.online.on.slides.pdf

Hopefully, this site will be useful to you! If you know of any other useful data viz sites, please share them too!

