Please, add content here.

Please, add content here.



Make is descriptive, meaningful and conversational. Google loves titles and the more keywords you can pack in there the easier it makes it to find later. And for people too!

Always lead your post with a full width Image or Player window. The player should have a splash page if possible, but at least not a black box with a play button. Also a good idea to check across platforms and devices occasionally to make your technique is working out. When you add you image or media to the library try to fill out he metadata even though it seems redundant. This all aides usability later on.

Each post must have a short description in text. Its always a good idea to add any extra links as icing as long as they are relevant to the post and add extra value. If possible, tell a story! But at the very least dont be shy about letting a little of your personality in your writing.

Choose only one of these


  • Add as many of these as you can think of with the following exceptions
  • Lower case only NO CAPS
  • Dont use categories as tags
  • No Dates
  • No Names



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